ag亚游app网站是Dyno Nobel


Our history is connected to every significant breakthrough in explosives technology.

Today, Dyno Nobel is a global leader in the commercial explosives industry with more than 3,770名员工, 包括一些业内训练有素的爆破手.  ag亚游app网站制造了超过5400万磅的包装炸药和超过1.200万吨硝酸铵的产能. We have 32 manufacturing facilities on three continents (including state-of-the-art initiation systems facilities in the United States, Australia and Mexico) and our Engineering and Technology team supports domestic and export product sales, 以及在世界各地使用ag亚游app网站的尖端技术.

We increase customer profits through performance with our Groundbreaking Performance through ag亚游app网站.

  • ag亚游app网站的发展, 实用可靠的解决方案 展望未来,超越客户期望
  • We are 全球爆炸物专家, cultivating and applying industry knowledge, to create value for our customers
  • We are a 可靠的合作伙伴,致力于为ag亚游app网站的客户实现最好的结果


Dyno Nobel provides customer solutions through our people, our products, and our services. ag亚游app网站的爆破手是业内训练有素的. Dyno Nobel provides a full range of reliable explosives products from manufacturing plants around the world, 并通过行业内无与伦比的分销网络提供优质服务. Our R&D专注于使用新技术使客户受益的实际方法.






Our customers can count on us to offer the best products and services to help them save time and increase profits. We are the only explosive provider in the world to offer a complete line of commercial explosive products and services.












Established over 180 years ago, Dyno Nobel has a unique history and an unsurpassed ag亚游app网站的传统. ag亚游app网站是商业炸药的全球领导者, creating and investing in products and solutions to help our customers remain competitive.

ag亚游app网站的创始人, 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔, changed the world with his invention of dynamite and the detonator in the mid-1800′s and changed it again when he founded the world famous Nobel Prizes. 

Throughout our history, we have patented over 2,800 products with 230 patents currently in force. In fact, 大多数创新的爆炸性产品被发明出来 are 可以追溯到Dyno Nobel. 



Beginning with William Bickford’s invention of Safety Fuse in 1831 and 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔’s legacy of safety and innovation, ag亚游app网站有着独特的历史和无与伦比的传统 ag亚游app网站.  

  • 1831 – 保险丝 是由威廉·比克福德发明的,他是 Ensign-Bickford公司,以取代黑色粉末填充线.  采矿安全水平大幅提高.
  • 1865年——阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔, 他的公司为戴诺诺贝尔奠定了基础, 发明了第一个 雷管.
  • 1867年的今天,阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔发明了 dynamite这是炸药安全和效率的又一重大进步.旧的炸药
  • 1876 – Production of nitrocellulose starts as Nitroglycerin Compagniet (阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔’s first company and forerunner of Nitro Nobel, 现在是Dyno诺贝尔欧洲分部的一部分)
  • 1936年-一个可靠的, flexible, 易于使用的纺织品护套导爆索, Primacord®, 是由比克福德公司开发的吗
  • 1956 – 浆状(水基)炸药 都是由. IRECO的梅尔文·库克.  后来成为诺贝尔动力公司的一部分.
  • 1960’s – IRECO (Dyno Nobel) develops revolutionary inert-until-mixed site mixed (SMS™) pump truck systems for slurry explosives as well as small diameter packaged products
  • 1973 -非电启动系统NONEL® 是由诺硝公司的佩尔松发明的
  • 1980 – Dyno Nobel commercializes packaged and bulk emulsions, another type of water-based explosive.
  • 1980’s & 1990’s – Continuing development of nonelectric initiation systems by both the Ensign-Bickford公司 and Dyno Nobel
  • 1980’s & 1990’s – Continuing development of sophisticated bulk explosives delivery systems by Dyno Nobel
  • 1999年- DynoConsult, 专业咨询部门, is formed to improve our customers’ overall profitability through groundbreaking solutions. 数十个成功案例 客户解决方案和案例研究 在煤,金属,石头和建筑中都有记录吗.
  • 2000年代-合资伙伴 DetNet, develops state of the art 电子启动 System Technologies to enhance productivity, 减少对环境的关注, 提高矿山和采石场的安全性和成本效益.Old Miners
  • 2006年的今天,诺贝尔动力公司开发成功 便携式模块化乳化装置 allowing us to respond to our customers’ need for high quality Bulk Emulsion on site, 在原材料难以获取的偏远地区.
  • 2012年的今天,诺贝尔动力研发成功 微分能量™, a proprietary method for controlling the explosive energy profile in the borehole; improving safety, 加强控制,降低成本


通过ag亚游app网站, we have grown to become the market leader in North America (the largest explosives market in the world) and the second largest supplier in Australia (the third largest explosives market in the world).  

  • August 2000 – Industri Kapital (IK) acquires Dyno Nobel (Dyno ASA) from the Oslo Stock Exchange and subsequently sells the non-explosives parts of Dyno Nobel
  • 2003年5月- Dyno Nobel与The Ensign Bickford Company合并
  • December 2003 – Dyno Nobel acquires El Paso Corporation’s North American nitrogen plants in Cheyenne Wyoming, St. 俄勒冈州的海伦斯和内华达州的巴特尔山
  • May 2004 – Dyno Nobel Canada, a joint venture, is created by consolidating Dyno Nobel Ltd., Dyno Nobel Titan和Western Explosives
  • 2005年9月- 英国出售Dyno诺贝尔奖 以麦格理银行为首的一个投资者财团. Macquarie subsequently divests Dyno Nobel’s European, Latin American and Asian assets. 
  • December 2005 – Dyno Nobel acquires Nitrochem Corporation’s nitrogen plants in Maitland, Ontario, Canada
  • December 2005 – Dyno Nobel acquires the remaining shares of Dyno Nobel Canada which becomes a new business unit of Dyno Nobel Ltd.旧散货卡车
  • 2006年2月- Dyno Nobel收购St. 劳伦斯炸药公司(亚当斯中心, 和霍尔炸药(好时), 宾夕法尼亚州), 原合资伙伴
  • March 2006 – Dyno Nobel acquires Dyno East Kentucky (dba Mountain Valley Explosives) (Allen, Kentucky), 以前是合资企业的合伙人
  • April 2006 – Dyno Nobel becomes a publicly owned company when Macquarie lists it on the Australian Stock Exchange
  • April 2006 – Dyno Nobel acquires the ETI Holding (formerly DuPont) explosives business in the U.S. 和加拿大
  • May 2006 – Dyno Nobel sells a portion of Explosives Energies (formerly an ETI owned distributor) to Buckley Powder, Dyno Nobel合资伙伴
  • May 2006 – Dyno Nobel sells a portion of Explosives Energies (formerly an ETI owned distributor) to Buckley Powder, Dyno Nobel合资伙伴
  • May 2006 – Dyno Nobel sells Golden State Explosives (formerly an ETI owned distributor) to Alpha Dyno Nobel, Dyno Nobel合资伙伴
  • 2006年11月-诺贝尔动力公司宣布在夏延扩建, Wyoming ammonium nitrate production facility intended to serve growth in the nearby Powder River Basin.
  • 2008年,Incitec Pivot收购了Dyno Nobel 100%的股份
  • 2010年,IPL收购了100%的 Nitromak dnx
  • 2010 – Dyno Nobel Explosivos Chile Limitada opens electronic detonator manufacturing plant in Chile
  • 2012年,诺贝尔奖得主 International is formed as the international business development arm of Dyno Nobel
  • 2012年,诺贝尔奖得主 莫兰巴硝酸铵工厂 投入运作,年生产能力为33万吨
  • 2013年,Dyno Nobel宣布在洛杉矶Waggaman新建硝酸铵工厂